Our Home Court: 5151 State University Dr Los Angeles, CA 90032

Tiffany Vo

Tiffany Vo

Director of Community Service Relations


Tiffany began her career in outpatient speech and behavior therapy, providing intensive services to individuals and groups. Her work, deeply rooted in a multidisciplinary approach, emphasized the vital role of collaborating with families and caregivers for comprehensive care. Influenced by her own family’s health history and personal challenges, Tiffany felt a strong call to expand her impact in her community, particularly for those facing similar health issues.

This inspiration led her to pursue further education, culminating in a Masters in Public Health from Loma Linda University in 2019. With this advanced degree, Tiffany is now committed to enhancing lives through health education, accessible resources, and strong advocacy.

She holds a firm belief in the power of collective effort, asserting that local actions can lead to significant global change. Dedicated to making a meaningful difference, Tiffany focuses on improving the overall well-being of individuals and communities, demonstrating a persistent dedication to her profession and the greater good. Her journey reflects a blend of professional expertise and a heartfelt mission to better the health landscape for all.